This is my final project for the 2D Shooter with modifications.


1) I changed the sprite of the player, enemies, asteroids, and background. I also updated the text to a Star Wars style font. The images were taken from google and then pixelated to give it a 8-bit style.

2) I changed the music in the background to 8-bit remixes of Star Wars songs.

3) I added a boss level where the player destroys the Death Star to save the galaxy. The Death Star has its own AI as it is an enemy that does not attack you. It also was given collision so the player can't phase through it.

4) Added "cutscenes" between levels where I took screenshots from the movie and pixelated them with text to tell a story.

5) Filled out an instructions page on what the objective is and how to use the controls.

6) Changed the fire rate on the player's laser. (this isn't a major change but I thought it was worth noting)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The lasers can sometimes be invisible when they are fired, especially on the boss level. The "Main Menu" button also redirects the player to the Level Select Screen occasionally.


vertinbe 42 MB
vertinbe 51 MB

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